everyday holiday

“it’s a wonderful life” (frank capra, liberty films, 1946)

the holidays are the best time of the year. there wouldn’t be countless songs, stories, and traditions if it weren’t. so what makes it so magical, so special? for me, it’s not the presents or the shopping or the hustle and bustle – although i enjoy these things as much as the next person – it’s about love, compassion and generosity that we share with one another.

i have seen the holiday movie classics more times than i can count. even though i know exactly what happens – and can recite the lines like a champ – i cry, laugh, and give a hip-hurray cheer for humanity every time. i am even the person who hosts an elf screening party complete with maple syrup and a copy of the code of elves. i have been known to listen to holiday music whenever i need a “lift” or even just because. i sing along with a smile and of course know every word. i do all of this not just simply because i am a holiday fanatic – and i certainly am – but because the message these things embody is the potential to love, and to have compassion. we all have this potential but seem to forget it during the rest of the year because we’re too worried about everyday things.

moderncity: everyday holiday is about celebrating, and sustaining, the joy, the love, and sheer magic we feel during the holidays, even when faced with those often serious everyday things.

i hope you find as much joy in discovering your inner everyday holiday as i have.


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